Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Cure for Insomnia

These days, my sleeping patterns have been all helter-skelter - when I had a full time job, sleep was always a rare and cherished commodity and I would sleep through the night, no matter what city or timezone I was in.

During my recent trip to the US, I was generally exhausted after cooking and baking all day that I'd sleep by 10pm each night and have no problems rousing around 5-6am.

Since I've been back in Hong Kong less than two weeks ago, my sleep patterns have been here and there. A lot more There than Here. More often than not, I wake up at 2, 3, 4am and have trouble going back to sleep, and if I do, it may last just over an hour before I awake again. Doesn't help that I occasionally allow myself an afternoon nap.

I read on baby websites that apparently insomnia is a regular occurrence for expectant women, in preparation for their upcoming sleepless nights when baby arrives!!!

It's currently close to 6am and I have been up since 4-ish. Munching on a bowl of grapes now typing this. I need to be up early today as will be trooping down to the airport express downtown to check in my luggage - leaving for Singapore for a few days tonight!!! Charkuayteow, Oyster Omelette, Hokkien Mee, everything delicious and local, here I come!!

For now, a mug of warm milk, perhaps?

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